Phase 1

Characterisation & pre-treatment of unsorted plastic waste: The process will start with pre-processing of unsorted plastic waste streams which do not find any market and is landfilled or incinerated (including mixed plastics RDF, and textile (e,g, woven, non-woven, polyester). PREZERO will provide the waste from its sorting and management facilities, it receives unsorted plastic waste within Spain. Also, a waste stream sent by SCGC (ASEAN country) will be tested. These streams will be tested and pre-processed by applying an appropriate and compatible pre-treatment to achieve the parameters required for pyrolysis treatment process.

Economical parameters such as plastic waste price and availability will be considered in the selection of the plastic waste flows.  It will be taken  intoaccount for the variability of waste depending on time and location. This step is needed to ensure optimisation of the materials for best mix needed to produce polyolefins.